仮想ルータ SEIL/x86のPPPoE IPv6でインターネットに接続












SEIL/x86の公式ホームページから、SEIL/x86 Fujiのソフトウェアをダウンロードして・・・って書こうと思ったら、販売は2020年3月31日で終わってしまったようですね。


こちらのページから、SEIL/x86 FujiのVMware形式の最新版をダウンロードと一番最初は起動キーをリクエストします。





インポート設定画面で名前を適当に、ゲストOSタイプを「NetBSD(32-bit)」に変更します。あまり変わらないかもしれないけど、Seil/x86 FujiはNetBSDをベースに作られてるので。










コマンド interface lan0 address でLANのIPアドレスを設定

コマンド sshd enable でsshdを有効化。




さて、Teratermを使って、 にログインします。

Last login: Sat Apr 18 15:09:36 2020 from on ttyp4
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

  Warning! Do not forget to set admin password.

# install-key from stdin
please enter key data ("." for end of key data)
Startup Key:
  Distribution ID : 0001-0000-0000-0086-0001-0000-0000-1665
  Memo            : Distributed via SEIL Community Site.
  Status          : VALID and registered.

# install-key from stdin
please enter key data ("." for end of key data)
Function Key(s):
  Function : 'save-to' command
  Issued   : 2015/12/15 12:00:00
  Memo     : Delivered via LaIT Supply
  Status   : VALID and registered.


install-key from stdin コマンドで、メールに添付されてきた起動キーと機能キーを入力します。


# save stdout
hostname ""
timezone "Japan"
environment login-timer 300
interface lan0 media auto
interface lan0 add
bridge disable
bridge ip-bridging on
bridge ipv6-bridging on
route dynamic rip disable
route dynamic ospf disable
route dynamic bgp disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute ospf-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute rip-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-rip enable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-ospf enable
route dynamic pim-sparse disable
route6 dynamic ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute static-to-ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute connected-to-ripng enable
route6 dynamic pim-sparse disable
filter add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src fe80::/10 srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
nat timeout 900
nat logging off
nat upnp off
nat upnp interface (null)
proxyarp disable
dhcp disable
dhcp mode server
dhcp6 client disable
dhcp6 client interface lan0
dns forwarder disable
ntp disable
cbq link-bandwidth 100Mbps
snmp disable
snmp community "public"
snmp security-model community-based on
snmp security-model user-based on
snmp trap disable
syslog debug-level off
syslog remote off
translator timeout 300
resolver disable
rtadvd disable
httpd disable
sshd hostkey rsa1 none
sshd hostkey rsa
sshd hostkey dsa
sshd enable
telnetd enable
vendor OEM


# hostname "gw"
gw# environment login-timer 86400
gw# route dynamic redistribute connected-to-rip disable
gw# route dynamic redistribute connected-to-ospf disable
gw# route6 dynamic redistribute connected-to-ripng disable
gw# httpd enable
gw# ntp enable
gw# ntp mode client
gw# ntp server add
gw# resolver enable
gw# resolver address add






gw# filter modify seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
gw# filter add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable


gw# save-to stdout
hostname "gw"
timezone "Japan"
environment login-timer 86400
interface lan0 media auto
interface lan0 add
bridge disable
bridge ip-bridging on
bridge ipv6-bridging on
route dynamic rip disable
route dynamic ospf disable
route dynamic bgp disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute ospf-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute rip-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-ospf disable
route dynamic pim-sparse disable
route6 dynamic ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute static-to-ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute connected-to-ripng disable
route6 dynamic pim-sparse disable
filter add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src fe80::/10 srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
nat timeout 900
nat logging off
nat upnp off
nat upnp interface (null)
proxyarp disable
dhcp disable
dhcp mode server
dhcp6 client disable
dhcp6 client interface lan0
dns forwarder disable
ntp enable
ntp mode client
ntp server add
cbq link-bandwidth 100Mbps
snmp disable
snmp community "public"
snmp security-model community-based on
snmp security-model user-based on
snmp trap disable
syslog debug-level off
syslog remote off
translator timeout 300
resolver enable
resolver address add
rtadvd disable
httpd enable
sshd hostkey rsa1 none
sshd hostkey rsa 
sshd hostkey dsa 
sshd enable
telnetd enable
vendor OEM


PPPPoE IPv6の接続

PPPoE IPv6の設定は、公式ではこちらで解説しています。


 1. ppp add ipv6 keepalive none ipcp disable ipcp-address off ipcp-dns off ipv6cp enable authentication-method chap identifier <ppp account> passphrase <ppp password> tcp-mss auto
 2. interface pppoe0 ppp-configuration ipv6
 3. interface pppoe0 over lan0
 4. route6 add default pppoe0
 5. dhcp6 client enable
 6. dhcp6 client interface pppoe0
 7. dhcp6 client prefix-delegation subnet lan0 sla-id 0x0 enable
 8. dhcp6 server interface lan0 enable
 9. dhcp6 server interface lan0 dns add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
 9-1. dhcp6 server interface lan0 domain add lo.zeke.ne.jp
 9-2. dhcp6 server interface lan0 sntp add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
10. rtadvd enable
11. rtadvd interface lan0 enable
12. rtadvd interface lan0 other-flag on
13. rtadvd interface lan0 advertise manual
13-1. rtadvd interface lan0 dns add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
13-2. rtadvd interface lan0 domain add lo.zeke.ne.jp
14. rtadvd interface lan0 advertise add interface-prefix




 7. dhcp6 client prefix-delegation subnet lan0 sla-id 0x0 enable

7.で sla-idを0x0に変更しています。


これは、”2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::/64″~”2001:2c0:cd03:caff::/64″まで使えますが、sld-id 0x1だと”2001:2c0:cd03:ca01::/64″を使うという意味になります。

他のルータ(リプレースしたRTX830)だと、こんな細かい指定方法がないので、今回はsla-id 0x0として、”2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::/64″を使うことにします。




13. rtadvd interface lan0 advertise manual

13.でmanualを指定して、13-1. 13-2.でDNSサーバなどを指定しています。

gw# ntp server add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
gw# resolver address add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4






gw# filter6 add pass_icpm interface pppoe0 direction in/out action pass protocol ipv6-icmp state disable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add pass_dhcp interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol udp srcport 0-65535 dst fe80::/10 dstport 546 state enable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add outgoing interface pppoe0 direction out action pass state enable logging off enable
gw# filter6 add pass_domain interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 53 state disable logging off enable
gw# filter6 add pass_httpd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add pass_https interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 443 state disable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add pass_ftpd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 21 state disable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add pass_sshd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
gw# filter6 add block_in interface pppoe0 direction in action block state disable logging on enable







gw# filter6 add pass_smtp interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 25


gw# show config filter6
filter6 add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src fe80::/10 srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_icpm interface pppoe0 direction in/out action pass protocol ipv6-icmp state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_dhcp interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol udp srcport 0-65535 dst fe80::/10 dstport 546 state enable logging on enable
filter6 add outgoing interface pppoe0 direction out action pass state enable logging off enable
filter6 add pass_domain interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 53 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add pass_httpd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_https interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 443 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_ftpd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 21 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_sshd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add block_in interface pppoe0 direction in action block state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_smtp interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 25 state disable logging on enable


gw# filter6 move pass_smtp above block_in
gw# show config filter6
filter6 add pass_sshd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_smtp interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 25 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add block_in interface pppoe0 direction in action block state disable logging on enable

こんなときは、filter6 move pass_smtp above block_inとコマンドを打って、フィルタの位置を変更しましょう。


gw# save-to stdout
hostname "gw"
timezone "Japan"
environment login-timer 86400
ppp add ipv6 keepalive none ipcp disable ipcp-address off ipcp-dns off ipv6cp enable authentication-method chap identifier <ppp account> passphrase <ppp password> tcp-mss auto
interface lan0 media auto
interface lan0 add
interface pppoe0 over lan0
interface pppoe0 ppp-configuration ipv6
bridge disable
bridge ip-bridging on
bridge ipv6-bridging on
route dynamic rip disable
route dynamic ospf disable
route dynamic bgp disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute ospf-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute rip-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-ospf disable
route dynamic pim-sparse disable
route6 add default pppoe0
route6 dynamic ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute static-to-ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute connected-to-ripng disable
route6 dynamic pim-sparse disable
filter add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src fe80::/10 srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add sshd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_icpm interface pppoe0 direction in/out action pass protocol ipv6-icmp state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_dhcp interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol udp srcport 0-65535 dst fe80::/10 dstport 546 state enable logging on enable
filter6 add outgoing interface pppoe0 direction out action pass state enable logging off enable
filter6 add pass_domain interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 53 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add pass_httpd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_https interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 443 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_ftpd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 21 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add pass_sshd interface pppoe0 direction in action pass protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4/128 dstport 22 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add block_in interface pppoe0 direction in action block state disable logging on enable
nat timeout 900
nat logging off
nat upnp off
nat upnp interface (null)
proxyarp disable
dhcp disable
dhcp mode server
dhcp6 client enable
dhcp6 client interface pppoe0
dhcp6 client prefix-delegation subnet lan0 sla-id 0x0 enable
dhcp6 server interface lan0 enable
dhcp6 server interface lan0 domain add lo.zeke.ne.jp
dhcp6 server interface lan0 dns add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
dhcp6 server interface lan0 sntp add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
dns forwarder disable
ntp enable
ntp mode client
ntp server add
ntp server add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
cbq link-bandwidth 100Mbps
snmp disable
snmp community "public"
snmp security-model community-based on
snmp security-model user-based on
snmp trap disable
syslog debug-level off
syslog remote off
translator timeout 300
resolver enable
resolver address add
resolver address add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
rtadvd enable
rtadvd interface lan0 enable
rtadvd interface lan0 other-flag on
rtadvd interface lan0 dns add 2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4
rtadvd interface lan0 domain add lo.zeke.ne.jp
rtadvd interface lan0 advertise manual
rtadvd interface lan0 advertise add interface-prefix
httpd enable
sshd hostkey rsa1 none
sshd hostkey rsa 
sshd hostkey dsa 
sshd enable
telnetd enable
vendor OEM



gw# show log


gw# show status ppp pppoe0
Interface: pppoe0
  LCP state: starting
  IPCP state: initial
  IPv6CP state: initial
  BCP state: initial
  LCP negotiated options:
  IPCP negotiated options:
  IPv6CP negotiated options:
  BCP negotiated options:
  keepalive: disabled
gw# show status interface lan0
interface lan0:
        Status=link up, administratively up
        LastChange=2020/04/18 14:32:36
        Ipkts=4591, Ierrs=0, Opkts=7210, Oerrs=0, Colls=0
        InOctets=450104, OutOctets=1779885, InDrops=0, OutDiscards=0
        Media=auto (1000baseT Full-Duplex)
        IP   address= netmask= broadcast=
        IPv6 address=fe80::a00:27ff:fec6:e56%lan0 prefixlen=64 scopeid 0x1
gw# show status dhcp6
DHCPv6 client: running

Interface:          pppoe0
State:              selecting

Client DUID:        00:03:00:01:08:00:27:c6:0e:56

DHCPv6 server: running

Interface:          lan0

Server DUID:        00:03:00:01:08:00:27:c6:0e:56

DHCPv6 relay: not running

gw# show status rtadvd
  Interface Status: UP
  Last RA sent: Sat Apr 18 20:20:37 2020
  Next RA will be sent: Sat Apr 18 20:25:58 2020
  VRRPv3: NONE (not configured)
  Cancel out unknown RAs (anti-rogue): OFF
  waits: 0, initcount: 3
  statistics: RA(out/in/inconsistent): 33/0/0, RS(input): 0
  Link-layer address: 08:00:27:c6:0e:56
  DefaultLifetime: 1800, MaxAdvInterval: 600, MinAdvInterval: 200
  Flags: O, Preference: medium, MTU: (none)
  ReachableTime: 0, RetransTimer: 0, CurHopLimit: 64
  Recursive DNS servers:
    2001:2c0:cd03:ca00::4 (lifetime: 3000)
  Domain search lists:
    lo.zeke.ne.jp (lifetime: 3000)


gw# disconnect pppoe0
gw# connect pppoe0




 アダプター 1 → lan0

 アダプター 1 → lan1
 アダプター 2 → lan0

 アダプター 1 → lan2
 アダプター 2 → lan0
 アダプター 3 → lan1

 アダプター 1 → lan3
 アダプター 2 → lan0
 アダプター 3 → lan1
 アダプター 4 → lan2





ネットワーク超入門講座 第4版
¥1,960(2024/07/25 05:24時点)
